Publicity] “4.15” National Security Education Day

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Home is a *small* country, the country is a million families, to maintain national security, everyone has the responsibility, everyone can do. April 15, 2024 is the ninth national security education day. This year's theme is:

Overall national security concept, innovation and leadership of the 10th anniversary.

Maintaining national security

National Security Knowledge
Q: When is the National Security Education Day?

National Security Education Day is held on April 15 every year. It is stipulated in Article 14 of the National Security Law adopted at the 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on July 1, 2015.


What is national security?

National security refers to the state regime, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, people's well-being, economic and social sustainable development and other major interests of the country being relatively free from danger and threat, as well as the ability to ensure a sustained state of security.


What aspects does national security include?

my country's national security mainly includes political security, national security, military security, economic security, cultural security, social security, scientific and technological security, network security, ecological security, resource security, nuclear security, security of overseas interests, space security, deep sea security, polar security and biological security.


What are the ten principles of the comprehensive national security concept?

 We must uphold the Party’s absolute leadership over national security work; adhere to the path of national security with Chinese characteristics; adhere to the purpose of people’s security; coordinate development and security; put political security in the first place; coordinate the promotion of security in all areas; give priority to preventing and resolving national security risks; promote international common security; modernize the national security system and capabilities; and strengthen the construction of the national security cadre team.


What are the five elements of the overall national security concept?

The purpose is to ensure the security of the people, the foundation is political security, the basis is economic security, the guarantee is military, science and technology, culture, and social security, and the support is the promotion of international security.


What are the five major coordinations of the overall national security concept?

Coordinate development and security, coordinate opening up and security, coordinate traditional security and non-traditional security, coordinate one's own security and common security, and coordinate maintaining national security and shaping national security.


What are the acts that undermine national security?

 According to the provisions of the "National Security Law of the People's Republic of China", acts endangering national security refer to the following acts endangering the national security of the People's Republic of China carried out by foreign institutions, organizations, or individuals, or directed or funded by others, or carried out by domestic organizations or individuals in collusion with foreign institutions, organizations, or individuals: (1) Conspiracy to subvert the government, split the country, or overthrow the socialist system; (2) Participation in a spy organization or accepting tasks from a spy organization and its agents; (3) Stealing, spying, purchasing, or illegally providing state secrets; (4) Instigating, seducing, or purchasing state employees to defect; (5) Carrying out other sabotage activities endangering national security.


What are citizens’ obligations to safeguard national security?

(1) Comply with the relevant provisions of the Constitution, laws and regulations on national security; (2) Report clues of activities endangering national security in a timely manner; (3) Provide truthful evidence of activities endangering national security that are known to them; (4) Provide convenient conditions or other assistance for national security work; (5) Provide necessary support and assistance to national security organs, public security organs and relevant military organs; (6) Keep confidential the state secrets that they are aware of; (7) Other obligations prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

What rights do citizens have in maintaining national security?

(1) The acts of citizens and organizations supporting and assisting national security work are protected by law. If the personal safety of the individual or his/her immediate family members is in danger due to supporting and assisting national security work, they may request protection from the public security organs and national security organs. The public security organs and national security organs shall take protective measures in accordance with the law together with relevant departments; (2) If the support and assistance of citizens and organizations for national security work causes property losses, compensation shall be given in accordance with relevant national regulations; if personal injury or death is caused, pensions and preferential treatment shall be given in accordance with relevant national regulations. (3) Citizens and organizations have the right to make criticisms and suggestions to state organs on national security work, and have the right to file complaints, accusations and reports on illegal and dereliction of duty by state organs and other personnel in national security work.


What are the channels for reporting threats to national security?

The national security agency's telephone number for accepting reports from citizens and organizations is 12339. This hotline was set up by the Ministry of State Security to facilitate citizens and organizations to report espionage activities or clues to the national security agency. Citizens can also log on to the national security agency's Internet reporting and acceptance platform website to make reports.

National security is the prerequisite for the survival and development of the country, the foundation for the happiness and well-being of the people, and an important guarantee for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The whole society must work together to build a solid steel Great Wall of national security.


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