Notice on the Investor Rights and Interests Knowledge Contest of “Here Come the Shareholders” (2024) Tianjin Region

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Notice on the Investor Rights and Interests Knowledge Contest of “Here Come the Shareholders” (2024) Tianjin Region

Listed companies in the jurisdiction:

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the deployment requirements of the Central Financial Work Conference and the Central Economic Work Conference, and publicize the "Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Supervision, Preventing Risks and Promoting High-Quality Development of the Capital Market" and other major capital market reform arrangements, in accordance with the unified deployment of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the "Shareholders Are Coming" (2024) Tianjin Division Investor Rights Knowledge Competition will continue to be held this year. In accordance with the work requirements of the Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. This year's event has four major regions: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Tibet, and Shenzhen. The Tianjin region belongs to the Shenzhen region. The event is divided into two stages: the online preliminary round and the TV final round. The online preliminary round will start on May 15 and will be held for 8 weeks. The TV final round is scheduled to be recorded in the third quarter and is scheduled to be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV and other platforms in the fourth quarter. (For details of the overall event plan, please see Appendix 1)

2. All companies are requested to actively participate in this event. At the same time, based on their own actual situation, organize company employees and actively guide more investors and the public to scan the code to register and participate in the quiz. (For details of the event rules, reward rules, and award rules, please see Appendix 2. Exclusive QR codes will be issued separately)

3. All companies are requested to carry out various themed investment education activities in accordance with the plan of this session, design and develop distinctive investment education products, flexibly use online and offline methods for publicity, focus on guiding senior executives of companies with strong strength and enthusiasm for public welfare activities to play a leading and exemplary role, explore ways for well-known industrialists and public figures to take the lead in scanning the code to register for "Shareholders Are Coming" or participate in supporting event promotion, carry out distinctive investment education activities or produce popular investment education products in accordance with the historical and cultural characteristics of Tianjin, and help the competition activities achieve better results.

4. During the preliminary round of this event, the association will regularly collect statistics on the participating companies' performance, and the association will summarize and report to the Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau.

5. Each company shall send its special practices, experience and achievements during the activities to the association at any time, and the association shall summarize and report to the Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau. The relevant requirements for the work summary of this activity will be notified separately.

Contact: Chen Si, Lu Shan

Tel: 022-23314631


Tianjin Listed Companies Association
May 15, 2024

Attachments: 1. Overall Plan for the "Shareholders Are Coming" Investor Rights Knowledge Competition
          2. "Shareholders Are Coming" Preliminary Competition Rules, Reward Rules, and Award Rules



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